error_table AB

Name Code Description
ADMBOSSERVERNAMENULL (16896L) the bos server name cannot be NULL
ADMBOSSERVERHANDLEPNULL (16897L) the bos server handle cannot be NULL
ADMBOSSERVERHANDLENULL (16898L) the bos server handle cannot be NULL
ADMBOSSERVERHANDLEBADMAGIC (16899L) the bos server handle failed to pass the magic number test. Most likely the server handle is invalid, or has been overwritten by mistake.
ADMBOSSERVERHANDLEINVALID (16900L) the bos server handle is invalid
ADMBOSSERVERHANDLENOSERVER (16901L) the bos server handle does not reference a valid server
ADMBOSSERVERNOCONNECTION (16902L) unable to establish a connection with the specified bos server machine
ADMBOSPROCESSNAMENULL (16903L) the process name cannot be NULL
ADMBOSPROCESSNULL (16904L) the process cannot be NULL
ADMBOSCRONTIMENULL (16905L) the cron time cannot be NULL when creating a process of type cron
ADMBOSCRONTIMENOTNULL (16906L) the cron time must be NULL when creating a process of type fs or simple
ADMBOSPROCESSSTATUSPNULL (16907L) the process status cannot be NULL
ADMBOSPROCESSTYPEPNULL (16908L) the process type cannot be NULL
ADMBOSPROCESSINFOPNULL (16909L) the process information cannot be NULL
ADMBOSPARAMETERNULL (16910L) the parameter cannot be NULL
ADMBOSNOTIFIERNULL (16911L) the notifier cannot be NULL
ADMBOSADMINNAMENULL (16912L) the administrator name cannot be NULL
ADMBOSKEYNULL (16913L) the key cannot be NULL
ADMBOSKEYPNULL (16914L) the key cannot be NULL
ADMBOSHOSTNAMENULL (16915L) the host name cannot be NULL
ADMBOSSOURCEFILENULL (16916L) the source file cannot be NULL
ADMBOSDESTFILENULL (16917L) the destination file cannot be NULL
ADMBOSNEWTIMENULL (16918L) the new time cannot be NULL
ADMBOSOLDTIMENULL (16919L) the old time cannot be NULL
ADMBOSBAKTIMENULL (16920L) the backup time cannot be NULL
ADMBOSTIMEPNULL (16921L) the restart time cannot be NULL
ADMBOSLOGNULL (16922L) the log name cannot be NULL
ADMBOSLOGBUFFERSIZEPNULL (16923L) the log buffer size cannot be NULL
ADMBOSLOGDATANULL (16924L) the log data buffer cannot be NULL
ADMBOSCOMMANDNULL (16925L) the command cannot be NULL
ADMBOSAUXILIARYPROCESSSTATUSNULL (16926L) the auxiliary process status cannot be NULL
ADMBOSPROCESSSTATUSSET (16927L) the process status is invalid. You can only set a process state to BOS_PROCESS_STOPPED or BOS_PROCESS_RUNNING
ADMBOSINVALIDPROCESSTYPE (16928L) the process type retrieved from the bos server was invalid.
ADMBOSCANTOPENSOURCEFILE (16929L) the executable source file could not be opened for reading.
ADMBOSCANTSTATSOURCEFILE (16930L) unable to determine the size of the executable source file
ADMBOSCANTREADSOURCEFILE (16931L) the executable source file could not be read.
ADMBOSSENDSOURCEFILE (16932L) an error occurred transmitting the contents of the executable source file to the bos server.
ADMBOSEXECFILENULL (16933L) the executable source file cannot be NULL.
ADMBOSHOURINVALID (16934L) the hour member of the time parameter must be between 0 and 23.
ADMBOSMINUTEINVALID (16935L) the minute member of the time parameter must be between 0 and 60.
ADMBOSSECONDINVALID (16936L) the second member of the time parameter must be between 0 and 60.
ADMBOSDAYINVALID (16937L) the day member of the time parameter must be between 0 and 6.
ADMBOSLOGFILEERROR (16938L) unable to successfully read log file.
ADMBOSCELLHANDLENOTOKENS (16939L) the cell handle does not contain a valid token.
ADMBOSCELLHANDLENOVOS (16940L) the cell handle is not valid for vos requests.
ADMBOSSALVAGEVOLUME (16941L) a parition must be specified when salvaging a volume .
ADMBOSSALVAGEBADLOG (16942L) the log file could not be opened for writing.
ADMBOSSALVAGEBADOPTIONS (16943L) the resulting salvage command is too long to pass to the bos server.
ADMBOSPROCESSCREATEBADTYPE (16944L) bos_ProcessCreate can't create fs processes, use bos_FSProcessCreate instead.
ADMBOSFILESERVERPATHNULL (16945L) the file server executable path cannot be NULL.
ADMBOSVOLSERVERPATHNULL (16946L) the volume server executable path cannot be NULL.
ADMBOSSALVAGERPATHNULL (16947L) the salvager executable path cannot be NULL.