error_table AL

Name Code Description
ADMCLIENTCELLHANDLENULL (19456L) the cell handle parameter cannot be NULL
ADMCLIENTCELLHANDLEPNULL (19457L) the cell handle reference parameter cannot be NULL
ADMCLIENTCELLHANDLEBADMAGIC (19458L) the server handle parameter failed to pass the magic number test. Most likely the server handle is invalid, or has been overwritten by mistake.
ADMCLIENTCELLINVALID (19459L) the cell handle is not valid.
ADMCLIENTCELLKASINVALID (19460L) the cell handle is not valid for authentication server requests
ADMCLIENTCELLKASNULL (19461L) the cell handle authentication server pointer is NULL
ADMCLIENTCELLPTSINVALID (19462L) the cell handle is not valid for protection server requests
ADMCLIENTCELLPTSNULL (19463L) the cell handle protection server pointer is NULL
ADMCLIENTCELLVOSINVALID (19464L) the cell handle is not valid for volume server requests
ADMCLIENTCELLVOSNULL (19465L) the cell handle volume server pointer is NULL
ADMCLIENTCELLNAMENULL (19466L) the cell name parameter cannot be NULL
ADMCLIENTTOKENHANDLENULL (19467L) the token handle parameter cannot be NULL
ADMCLIENTTOKENHANDLEINVALID (19468L) the token handle is invalid
ADMCLIENTTOKENHANDLEBADMAGIC (19469L) the token handle parameter failed to pass the magic number test. Most likely the token handle is invalid, or has been overwritten by mistake
ADMCLIENTTOKENHANDLENOSECURITY (19470L) failed to create a new client security object for the token handle
ADMCLIENTCANTINITAFSLOCATION (19471L) unable to locate the location of AFS install
ADMCLIENTCANTINITRX (19472L) unable to initialize the AFS rpc component
ADMCLIENTCANTINITWINSOCK (19473L) unable to initialize the windows socket component
ADMCLIENTNOINIT (19474L) afsclient_Init must be called before calling any other afsclient function
ADMCLIENTBADCLIENTCONFIG (19475L) an error occurred while trying to access the local client configuration information
ADMCLIENTBADTOKENHANDLE (19476L) the token handle was marked as containing valid tokens, but the actual tokens were invalid
ADMCLIENTCELLOPENBADTOKEN (19477L) the token handle must contain valid afs tokens for the cell
ADMCLIENTDIRECTORYNULL (19478L) the directory parameter cannot be NULL
ADMCLIENTVOLUMENAME (19479L) the volume name parameter cannot be NULL
ADMCLIENTBADDIRECTORY (19480L) unable to determine the parent of the given directory
ADMCLIENTNOAFSDIRECTORY (19481L) the directory is not in AFS
ADMCLIENTNOMATCHINGSERVER (19482L) the server did not match any known AFS servers
ADMCLIENTRPCSTATHANDLEPNULL (19483L) the rpc stat handle cannot be NULL
ADMCLIENTNOKASTOKENS (19484L) the cell handle does not contain kas tokens
ADMCLIENTRPCSTATNOCONNECTION (19485L) there is no connection to the server
ADMCLIENTCMSTATHANDLEPNULL (19486L) the client stat handle cannot be NULL
ADMCLIENTCMSTATNOCONNECTION (19487L) there is no connection to the client
ADMCLIENTCMCELLNAMENULL (19488L) the cell name pointer cannot be NULL
ADMCLIENTCMCONFIGNULL (19489L) the client configuration pointer cannot be NULL
ADMCLIENTRXDEBUGHANDLEPNULL (19490L) the rxdebug handle cannot be NULL
ADMCLIENTRXDEBUGTIMEOUT (19491L) the rxdebug request timed out
ADMCLIENTRXDEBUGNOTSUPPORTED (19492L) the rxdebug request is not supported