error_table AU

Name Code Description
ADMUTILSERVERENTRYPNULL (21760L) the server entry parameter cannot be NULL
ADMUTILSERVERNAMENULL (21761L) the server name parameter cannot be NULL
ADMUTILSERVERADDRESSNULL (21762L) the server address parameter cannot be NULL
ADMUTILSERVERADDRESSPNULL (21763L) the server address parameter cannot be NULL
ADMUTILCANTGETSERVERNAME (21764L) the server name parameter cannot translated to an address
ADMUTILCANTOPENCELLSERVDB (21765L) failed to open the client CellServDB file
ADMUTILERRORTEXTPNULL (21766L) the error text parameter cannot be NULL
ADMUTILCELLNAMENULL (21767L) the cell name parameter cannot be NULL
ADMRXCONNNULL (21768L) the rx connection parameter cannot be NULL
ADMRPCPTRNULL (21769L) the rpc function parameter cannot be NULL
ADMUTILRPCSTATSNULL (21770L) the rpc stats parameter cannot be NULL
ADMRPCSTATENULL (21771L) the state parameter cannot be NULL
ADMRPCVERSIONNULL (21772L) the rpc version parameter cannot be NULL
ADMRXDEBUGHANDLENULL (21773L) the rxdebug handle parameter cannot be null
ADMRXDEBUGVERSIONNULL (21774L) the rxdebug version parameter cannot be null
ADMRXDEBUGSTATSNULL (21775L) the rxdebug stats parameter cannot be null