error_table BZ

Name Code Description
BZNOTACTIVE (39424L) process not active
BZNOENT (39425L) no such entity
BZBUSY (39426L) can't do operation now
BZEXISTS (39427L) entity already exists
BZNOCREATE (39428L) failed to create entity
BZDOM (39429L) index out of range
BZACCESS (39430L) you are not authorized for this operation
BZSYNTAX (39431L) syntax error in create parameter
BZIO (39432L) I/O error
BZNET (39433L) network problem
BZBADTYPE (39434L) unrecognized bnode type
BZKEYINUSE (39435L) kvno already used - have to remove existing kvno's before reuse
BZENCREQ (39436L) this function requires encrypted input, use a newer client program
BZNOSUPPORT (39437L) this function is unsupported