error_table PT

Name Code Description
PREXIST (267264L) Entry for name already exists
PRIDEXIST (267265L) Entry for id already exists
PRNOIDS (267266L) Couldn't allocate an id for this entry
PRDBFAIL (267267L) Couldn't read/write the database
PRNOENT (267268L) User or group doesn't exist
PRPERM (267269L) Permission denied
PRNOTGROUP (267270L) No group specified
PRNOTUSER (267271L) No user specified
PRBADNAM (267272L) Badly formed name (group prefix doesn't match owner?)
PRBADARG (267273L) argument illegal or out of range
PRNOMORE (267274L) may not create more groups
PRDBBAD (267275L) database needs rebuilding
PRGROUPEMPTY (267276L) can't make owner an empty group
PRINCONSISTENT (267277L) database is inconsistent
PRDBADDR (267278L) bad database address
PRTOOMANY (267279L) too many elements in group
PRNOMEM (267280L) malloc failed to alloc enough memory
PRINTERNAL (267281L) Protection library internal error
PRNAMETOOLONG (267282L) name is too long (maximum 63 characters)