error_table AF

Name Code Description
ADMCFGNOTSUPPORTED (17920L) the specified configuration option is not yet supported
ADMCFGHOSTNAMENULL (17921L) the host name parameter cannot be NULL
ADMCFGHOSTNAMETOOLONG (17922L) the host name parameter exceeds the maximum allowed length
ADMCFGHOSTHANDLEPNULL (17923L) the host handle reference parameter cannot be NULL
ADMCFGHOSTHANDLENULL (17924L) the host handle parameter cannot be NULL
ADMCFGHOSTHANDLEBADMAGIC (17925L) the host handle parameter failed the magic number test; the handle is invalid or corrupted
ADMCFGHOSTHANDLEINVALID (17926L) the host handle parameter is marked as invalid
ADMCFGHOSTHANDLEHOSTNAMENULL (17927L) the host handle parameter contains a NULL host name reference
ADMCFGHOSTHANDLECELLHANDLENULL (17928L) the host handle parameter contains a NULL cell handle
ADMCFGHOSTHANDLECELLNAMENULL (17929L) the host handle parameter contains a NULL cell name reference
ADMCFGADMINPRINCIPALNULL (17930L) the administrator principal parameter cannot be NULL
ADMCFGADMINPRINCIPALTOOLONG (17931L) the administrator principal parameter exceeds the maximum allowed length
ADMCFGPASSWDNULL (17932L) the password parameter cannot be an empty string
ADMCFGCONFIGSTATUSPNULL (17933L) the configuration status reference parameter cannot be NULL
ADMCFGCELLNAMEPNULL (17934L) the cell name reference parameter cannot be NULL
ADMCFGSERVERBASICINFOINVALID (17935L) the minimally required server configuration information is missing, unreadable, or invalid
ADMCFGSERVERNOTINCELL (17936L) the server is not configured in any cell
ADMCFGSERVERNOKEYS (17937L) the server does not have any keys
ADMCFGSERVERCELLNOTINDB (17938L) the server's cell is not listed in the server's cell database
ADMCFGSERVERCELLHASNODBENTRIES (17939L) the server's cell database contains no database server entries for the server's cell
ADMCFGCELLNAMENULL (17940L) the cell name parameter cannot be NULL
ADMCFGCELLNAMETOOLONG (17941L) the cell name parameter exceeds the maximum allowed length
ADMCFGCELLNAMECONFLICT (17942L) the cell name parameter conflicts with the cell name contained in the host handle parameter
ADMCFGCELLDBHOSTSNULL (17943L) the database hosts parameter cannot be NULL
ADMCFGCELLDBHOSTCOUNTTOOLARGE (17944L) the database hosts parameter contains too many host names
ADMCFGSERVERSETCELLFAILED (17945L) unable to set the server cell information; most likely cause is an unknown database host name
ADMCFGBOSSERVERACTIVE (17946L) the bosserver process is currently running on the server host
ADMCFGVPTABLEPNULL (17947L) the vice partition table reference parameter cannot be NULL
ADMCFGVPTABLECOUNTPNULL (17948L) the vice partition table entry count reference parameter cannot be NULL
ADMCFGVPTABLEREADFAILED (17949L) unable to read the vice partition table
ADMCFGPARTITIONNAMENULL (17950L) the partition name parameter cannot be NULL
ADMCFGPARTITIONNAMEBAD (17951L) the partition name parameter syntax is invalid
ADMCFGDEVICENAMENULL (17952L) the device name parameter cannot be NULL
ADMCFGDEVICENAMEBAD (17953L) the device name parameter syntax is invalid
ADMCFGVPTABLEENTRYBAD (17954L) the vice partition table entry is invalid
ADMCFGVPTABLEWRITEFAILED (17955L) unable to write to the vice partition table
ADMCFGVALIDFLAGPNULL (17956L) the valid flag reference parameter cannot be NULL
ADMCFGINSTALLEDFLAGPNULL (17957L) the installed flag reference parameter cannot be NULL
ADMCFGVERSIONPNULL (17958L) the version number reference parameter cannot be NULL
ADMCFGSTARTEDFLAGPNULL (17959L) the started flag reference parameter cannot be NULL
ADMCFGCLIENTBASICINFOINVALID (17960L) the minimally required client configuration information is missing, unreadable, or invalid
ADMCFGCLIENTNOTINCELL (17961L) the client is not configured in any cell
ADMCFGCLIENTCELLNOTINDB (17962L) the client's cell is not listed in the client's cell database
ADMCFGCLIENTCELLHASNODBENTRIES (17963L) the client's cell database contains no database server entries for the client's cell
ADMCFGCLIENTVERSIONNOTREAD (17964L) unable to determine which version of the AFS client is installed
ADMCFGCLIENTCELLSERVDBNOTREAD (17965L) unable to read the client's cell database
ADMCFGCLIENTCELLSERVDBNOTWRITTEN (17966L) unable to update the client's cell database
ADMCFGCLIENTCELLSERVDBNOSPACE (17967L) the client's cell database contains the maximum number of entries for the specified cell; a new database host can not be added
ADMCFGCLIENTCELLSERVDBEDITFAILED (17968L) failed to edit client's cell database
ADMCFGCLIENTTHISCELLNOTWRITTEN (17969L) unable to set the client's current cell
ADMCFGBOSSERVERCTLSERVICEBAD (17970L) the AFS bosserver control service is not configured or is improperly configured
ADMCFGBOSSERVERCTLSERVICENOTREADY (17971L) the AFS bosserver control service is not prepared to accept a control request or is not responding
ADMCFGBOSSERVERCTLSERVICETIMEOUT (17972L) timed out waiting for the AFS bosserver control service to start or stop
ADMCFGBOSSERVERCTLSERVICESTATUSUNK (17973L) cannot determine the status of the AFS bosserver control service
ADMCFGHOSTSETNOAUTHFAILED (17974L) failed to set or clear the AFS server authentication flag
ADMCFGBOSSERVERPROCSFLAGPNULL (17975L) the bosserver-processes flag reference parameter cannot be NULL
ADMCFGDBSERVERCONFIGFLAGPNULL (17976L) the database-servers-configured flag reference parameter cannot be NULL
ADMCFGFILESERVERCONFIGFLAGPNULL (17977L) the fileserver-configured flag reference parameter cannot be NULL
ADMCFGUPSERVERCONFIGFLAGPNULL (17978L) the upserver-configured flag reference parameter cannot be NULL
ADMCFGUPCLIENTSUFFIXNULL (17979L) the update client instance suffix cannot be NULL
ADMCFGUPCLIENTSUFFIXTOOLONG (17980L) the update client instance suffix exceeds the maximum allowed length
ADMCFGUPCLIENTTARGETSERVERNULL (17981L) the update client's target server name cannot be NULL
ADMCFGUPCLIENTIMPORTDIRNULL (17982L) the update client's import directory list cannot be NULL
ADMCFGUPCLIENTCONFIGFLAGPNULL (17983L) the upclient-configured flag reference parameter cannot be NULL
ADMCFGUBIKVOTENOCONNECTION (17984L) unable to establish a connection with the specified Ubik voting service on the specified host
ADMCFGQUORUMWAITTIMEOUT (17985L) timed out waiting for one or more database servers to achieve quorum; common causes are time skew between database server machines and network connectivity problems
ADMCFGCELLSERVDBTOOMANYENTRIES (17986L) the server's cell database contains too many database server entries
ADMCFGCALLBACKNULL (17987L) the callback parameter cannot be NULL
ADMCFGUPDATECOUNTNULL (17988L) the update count reference parameter cannot be NULL
ADMCFGAFSKEYNOTAVAILABLE (17989L) the AFS server principal (afs) key can not be obtained from pre 3.5 database servers
ADMCFGAFSPASSWDINVALID (17990L) the specified AFS server principal (afs) password is invalid; the password generates a key that fails a checksum comparison with the current AFS server principal (afs) key
ADMCFGCANTRESOLVEHOSTNAME (17991L) the resolver is unable to retrieve host information from the default host database
ADMCFGRESOLVEDHOSTNAMETOOLONG (17992L) the specfied host name resolves to a fully qualified name that exceeds the maximum allowed length
ADMCFGCACHEMGRSERVICEBAD (17993L) the AFS client service is not configured or is improperly configured
ADMCFGCACHEMGRSERVICENOTREADY (17994L) the AFS client service is not prepared to accept a control request or is not responding
ADMCFGCACHEMGRSERVICETIMEOUT (17995L) timed out waiting for the AFS client service to start or stop
ADMCFGCACHEMGRSERVICESTATUSUNK (17996L) cannot determine the status of the AFS client service